WonderWoman-Hail Hydra- Original art
/Too much? I thought it was funny, anyway. This sketch original art is available in my Store.
Too much? I thought it was funny, anyway. This sketch original art is available in my Store.
Tomorrow (Thursday) is the last day for my TWO DAY original art sale. Look in my STORE for up to 25% off of some of my artwork. This sketch is in there too- I call it Summer Snuggle.
Finally! I've been so buried with freelance, the day work, the Kickstarter and #MerMay, I haven't gotten to just draw "whatever I wanted". This morning was that. I was inspired by the new "Doc" Shaner drawn "Future Quest" comic that DC is doing. Its great! My version of Johnny Quest looks a bit like Johnny mixed with Cody from Rescuer's Down Under, I think. Original art is in my Store, if you interested.
Here's the second of two Bancroft Brothers Disney Art Jam drawings- this time with Alice (by Tom) and Russell (by Tony). It was fun to find a way to work Alice into this sketch when Tony had already drawing Russell. Her falling upwards just kind of made sense! The original artwork is in my Store on the website!
This is exciting! After a crazy week (last week) of working with my graphic designer,Phil, on the layouts for BOTH books- "The Art of Tom Bancroft" and the bonus book "Outnumbered", those digital files went to the printer in China. Now, about a week later, I get hard copy mock ups of what the books will look like so I can approve trims, colors, page orders,etc. so exciting! I'm trying to get these books back from the printer as soon as possible. I know that after these proofs are approved, it's still usually two months before I will see the finished books (roughly a month to print and a month to ship). I can't wait for you all to get these books! Thanks so much for your support! -Tom B.
Here's a for fun #Disney character drawing my bro, Tony, and I did together. I did the Merida and Tony did the Wart. It was fun. This is one of two Jam drawings we did together. The next, I will post tomorrow. This is for sale in my Store.
I forgot to post yesterday's #MerMay mermaid and I'm adding in today's- the LAST mermaid for MAY. It has been fun. Yesterday, I took requests on which celebrity I should make into a mermaid and Arianna Grande won. #MerMay turned out to be great fun and extremely popular (tens of thousands of submissions) so I think i may have stumbled into an annual event! If you like this Arianna Grandemaid, look for it in my Store, for purchase- along with a couple other mermaid pieces of original artwork.
Here's the last two days of #MerMay drawings. I still haven't done the full range of mermaid drawings and styles I want to do. The Embrace one is at least a little different for me. I haven't had a ton of time to experiment like I'd like to, so many of these have fallen into my "usual style", which is a bit disappointing for me. Still, doing a new one (in color, thanks to Jeremiah Skipper) every day (except weekends) is hard enough, right? Both of these originals are for sale in my Store!
This is the official site for Tom Bancroft- Animation artist/Director/Character Designer/Author/Podcaster